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Giovani, studenti e infiniti mondi

Vol. 10 No. 2 (2019): Giovani, studenti e infiniti mondi

Young people with disabilities and infinite worlds: Potential for a transdisciplinary reflection

ottobre 1, 2019


The paper presents a transdisciplinary reflection on emergencies that young people with disabilities find themselves in today. Compared to the population of young people and university students, those with disabilities have a greater risk of having "limited worlds" to experience themselves as adults. In this paper, we will consider one of the most difficult dimensions: work and job inclusion. It uses a case study in a productive organisation focused on recognising the capacity to work of intellectually impaired persons. The process of labour inclusion through apprenticeship transcends purely technical questions and brings reflections on the concept of hospitality. The paper concludes that education is a powerful tool to promote important themes of social cohabitation and to build real opportunities to the youngsters to experiment themselves in the role of adults. 


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