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Vol. 9 No. 1 (2018): ESS - Technologies and inclusion

Inclusive University didactics and technological devices: a case study

  • Catia Giaconi
  • Arianna Taddei
  • Noemi Del Bianco
  • Simone Aparecida Capellini
maggio 21, 2018


This paper provides a review of projects related to new technologies used to favour the teaching-learning processes and the inclusive practices in the University context for students with disabilities and with Specific Learning Disorders. Authors present a review of strategies, trajectories and perspectives activated in the national and international scene, aiming to guarantee a significant pedagogical framework of reference. Furthermore, the paper focuses on a meaningful path activated at the University of Macerata, the project Inclusion 3.0, a relevant example of new technologies in support of teaching-learning processes and inclusion practices among all students.  



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