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Vol. 8 No. 2 (2017): ESS - Rethinking the design process, rethinking the curriculum

The curriculum, the macro design and the micro design, and the curriculum transposition

dicembre 24, 2017


The didactical design is organized in different documents that are peculiar in the different countries. In Italy there id the school curriculum starting from the national guidelines for the pre-school, primary and middle school, and from the regulations for the high school. Then many teachers create yearly design documents for each discipline collaborating, at times, with colleague of parallel classes.  In this article, such yearly documents will be called “macro design”, while the design of the single work sessions (from 1 to 8 hours in class) will be called “micro design”. The complexity, finally, requires that macro and micro design are transponed and it is needed that a design artefact can be shared in class with students starting processes of co-design.

The article analyses the role and the structure of the school curriculum in the current context, the relationships between the macro and micro design and, finally, the need of a transposition of the design artefacts to share the design with students.

The article “the curriculum”, present in the same issue, is the logic premise of the present contribution.

Keywords: curriculum, macro and micro-design, visible design


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