The need for innovation in didactics: inclusion and technologies
V. 9 N. 2 (2018): ESS - The need for innovation in didactics: inclusion and technologies
Innovation of settings in higher education
Università degli Studi di Milano - Bicocca
Università degli Studi del Molise
9 dicembre 2018
In recent years, Italian universities have been called upon to experiment with innovative processes and changes that have involved different aspects. This contribution focuses in particular on the factors related to teaching that influence the design of university settings, characterized by student’s profile evolution, the pervasiveness of the media and the ever-increasing demand to develop skills. and achieve the stated training goals are some aspects that have influenced the teaching. BYOD, inverted classroom, feedback, experience learning are considered relevant factors for the re-definition of settings for university teaching
Starting from two approaches, teacher or student-centered, some scenarios that could characterize in the next decades the following university settings: the lecture hall, the small classroom in presence, the online synchronous environments and the asynchronous online environments.
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