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Vol. 12 No. 2 (2021): Evaluation, feedback, equity: a challenge in education

On-line lecture university hall and feedback: A possible combination?

agosto 24, 2021


In the Italian context, the training of teacher's aide, for years now, has been linked through a special specialization course for educational support activities for pupils with disabilities and, in the universities where it has been, it has often involved consistent numbers of students. The V Cycle of this Course, for the first time, for obvious reasons linked to the Covid-19 emergency, took place for the most part on-line. In this paper, through the analysis of the course "Special education: metacognitive and cooperative approach" (30 hours-4 CFU) which was taught at the University of Molise by the same teacher both in the course dedicated to the kindergarten and primary, both in that for lower and upper secondary school we tried to see how teaching methods of active learning based on feedback that try to investigate opinions and ask questions during the university lecture, even in a "lecture hall", have allowed the involvement, understanding and learning of the students to obtain, at the same time, the teaching action of the teacher is more effective


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