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V. 15 N. 2 (2024): Intelligenza Artificiale nella scuola e nella formazione universitaria. Rischi e opportunità

Artificial Intelligence in Higher Education: A Research Pathway with ChatGPT for Learning Design, Feedback, and Professional Development

1 novembre 2024


This paper explores a research pathway that leverages an AI-based conversational tool, ChatGPT - OpenAI, to enhance essential competencies in future teachers and educators, with a focus on self-reflection and feedback literacy. Conducted within two pedagogical courses, the activity involved peer feedback on didactic design tasks, fostering students’ agency and metacognitive reflection. By using ChatGPT as both a design and feedback agent, students evaluated its effectiveness, strengths, and limitations. Reflective questionnaires allowed them to assess the tool’s potential integration into their future professional practices, addressing the broader applicability of AI in educational contexts.

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