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Vol. 14 No. 1 (2023): University didactics, innovation and inclusion. Assessment and feedback

Developing university students’ feedback literacy through peer feedback activities

maggio 19, 2023


In order to make feedback become a process leading didactic practises it is necessary to overcome the static and single-directional vision linked to providing and receiving feedback and to go towards an interactive and generative feedback, foreseeing some peer feedback moments, some self-evaluation and self- regulation. In this paper we would like to describe a didactic path focused on feedback, activated in two University courses in different Universities with the following aims:

  • activating subsequent feedback spirals (Carless, 2019), first between Professor and students, then between peers, to get to a self-awareness interior process, that is an incorporation of reflexivity on one’s own practices.
  • Promoting feedback literacy (Carless & Boud, 2018) in the student through the experimentation in the practice.

In particular, we will account for a peer feedback process realised in the following steps: a) the group production of a learning design; b) the peer review of the colleagues’ designs, through the “Ladder of Feedback” protocol, with a following sharing of the reviews; c) the subsequent reflection on the activated processes through a questionnaire on the students’ perceptions. The analysis of those productions enables us to reflect upon the sense of effectiveness granted to the peer feedback, on the differences between the Professor’s and the peer feedbacks, on the comprehension of the role of the peer feedback within the training process.


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