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Vol. 10 No. 1 (2019): Disabilità e Qualità della Vita: percorsi e progetti per l’inclusione universitaria e sociale

Gli organizzatori dell’azione didattica: un confronto tra docenti in servizio e studenti in formazione pre-service

maggio 4, 2019


In the didactic action, the organized forms are recursive in the practices of both experienced teachers and pre-service training students; also its meanings are quite similar. According to the studies on Professional Didactics, these recursions are useful for the practice analysis and for promoting an investigative attitude in the teacher as a reflective professional. This paper will try to highlight which pedagogical formats are in some lessons, designed both by teachers and by pre-service traning students. In particular, the following aspects will be analized: 1) the meanings assigned to these formats by those involved in the research; 2) the reasons for their use; 3) the level of awareness of their involvement in the action (both in terms of design and practice). A first survey, carried out through evidences' analysis and co-explication, shows both the teacher enters the community with schemes of action that are already structured, and how the community knowledge influences both the consolidation of didactic formats consolidation and the organizers of the didactic action.


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