The relationship between education and the environment is made by multiple development factors, involving, on different but complementary levels, young people and adults, citizens and visitors, producers, and consumers. The natural and rural environment can be observed also from a pedagogical perspective, especially during this time of pandemic which caused a setback in the path towards implementation of the “Agenda 2030” objectives. Emblematic, in terms of activation of growth processes and catalysis of development opportunities, is the approach to the cultural and landscape heritage of the association named Chiocciola la casa del nomade. This operates in the rural areas of the Unione dei Comuni della Valle del Marecchia, in the Italian province of Rimini, interpreting the landscape as a source and place of learning, building on it educational and didactic paths that involve students, traders and local production factories. Its goal is to safeguard local knowledge and traditions: a cultural and experiential heritage that is not to be lost or forgotten.
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