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Vol. 12 No. 2 (2021): Evaluation, feedback, equity: a challenge in education

Formative evaluation to support the development of the deep dimension of acting with competence. A case study

settembre 1, 2021


The study of the latent processes underlying learning questions the didactic action for the promotion of learning experiences raising awareness of one’s own growth paths. Formative evaluation plays a strategic role with respect to both the accessibility and critical elaboration of the different levels and ways of learning: an in-depth study of formative evaluation practices in learning contexts aimed at promoting competent action offers a contribution to pedagogical reflection about an enabling and emancipating evaluation’s culture. Starting from a case study in the context of a university course, it will be discussed how formative evaluation can be used to explore and relate the functioning modes of people with their possible areas of development in order to promote acting with competence in both formative and life contexts.


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