The topic concerning both identification, recognition, evaluation and validation of the competences acquired in non-formal and informal contexts, as well as the link with those acquired in formal contexts, has assumed increasing centrality in the last fifteen years in the European and national debate.
Within this debate, also with reference to the Italian regulatory framework of Law no. 4 of 2013, the Scuola Nazionale di Improvvisazione Teatrale – Improteatro – has embarked on a path of participatory research-action in order to define both training standards aimed at qualifying the training activities of theatrical improvisation and professional standards aimed at make explicit and maintain the competences of the performers- professional trainers belonging to the organization. This process therefore has intended to strengthen the professional community of Improteatro by qualifying their internal professionalism and the training activities of theatrical improvisation. Starting from the discussion of the normative, theoretical and methodological framework and of the first results produced, the paper aims to offer a methodological and operational contribution for organizations intending to start processes such as the one presented here.