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V. 13 N. 2 (2022): Pedagogie e Didattiche Speciali: riflessioni e pratiche per una scuola innovativa e una formazione inclusiva

A cross-case analysis of ICT courses in teacher training programmes for special needs: Technology affordances and Universal Design for Learning

10 luglio 2022


The special needs teacher is a highly qualified professional whose role is to work in collaboration with all class teachers to activate an inclusive approach for the benefit of all students and to enable individual potentialities. Technology can be of paramount importance in designing learning activities according to the principles of Universal Design for Learning in an interdisciplinary approach and with a holistic perspective of all involved actors in the teaching/learning process. In Italy, the prospective special needs teacher has the opportunity to be fully trained thanks to a comprehensive specialization course where the areas of competence of digital literacy are addressed in a specific course. The study reports a cross analysis of three editions of an Information and Communication Technology course, with a focus on the results of the last edition, whose online format was discussed starting from strengths identified in the first two face-to-face editions of the same course.

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