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The need for innovation in didactics: inclusion and technologies

Vol. 9 No. 2 (2018): ESS - The need for innovation in didactics: inclusion and technologies

Didactic innovation and professionalization of knowledge. The case of the Teaching & Learning Center of University of Siena

dicembre 7, 2018


The article analyzes the learning paths, the organizational devices and the system actions taken aimed at the development of a didactics for employability within the Teaching & Learning Center (TLC), at University of Siena. The Teaching & Learning Center is a research and training center founded within the Santa Chiara Lab, a hub space for supporting the contamination between multidisciplinary research projects and the meeting between students, teachers and entrepreneurs. We would like to explore (a) how university centre for innovation can design and integrate learning paths and curricula for promoting the acquisition of practical skills useful for future professionals; (b) which methods and strategies are able to accompany professional development processes in university students; (c) which organizational supports are useful to promote sustainable didactic innovation in center for Teaching & Learning in Higher Education.


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