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Vol. 10 No. 1 (2019): Disabilità e Qualità della Vita: percorsi e progetti per l’inclusione universitaria e sociale

Legalità e giustizia per un’etica della responsabilità. Percorsi possibili a scuola e in famiglia

maggio 7, 2019


This article aims to analyze the conceptions of legality, justice, democracy, citizenship, re-evaluating them in the light of an ethical vision inspired by responsibility or by a com-partecipation of experiences and meanings, of norms and values intimately and authentically perceived as good, healthy, fair, therefore legitimized, from the citizen to the collectivity, as fair and universal. Once again, school and family are the primary and fundamental agencies dedicated to educate young people to an open, critical and elastic mindset and to an inspired and oriented modus operandi aimed to responsible behaviours in co-responsibility with other social actors. Particularly in the family context, the conscious and responsible recovery of the exemplary and educational firmness of adults is essential for an action carried out with intentionality and planning. These aspects should characterize all the educators in any reference context. In the scholastic one, starting from the first attempts at the theorization and widespread dissemination of new ideas of democracy and citizenship, we will explore the current Citizenship and Constitution curriculum, which, ambitiously, includes students and teachers in a path that, starting from the early childhood, could evolve to contests, modalities, knowledges and skills along the ideal continuum that binds the various orders and degrees of schooling. 


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