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Vol. 13 No. 1 (2022): Young people, institutions and territories

The breakout of the war in the semiosphere of Italian adolescents: A focus group

aprile 1, 2022


Reimagining peaceful, equal and sustainable futures along with adolescents (UNESCO, International Commission on the Futures of Education, 2021) firstly requires active listening and empathy, through the dialogue with a deeply semiosphere which has been transformed by the pandemic experience before and now by a war adolescents perceive like an integral part of their life, in the background of global warming. From a focus group (integrated by other interviews) including 16/18-year-old high school students, which was carried out on the day of the invasion of Ukraine and the day after, we derive intimate dynamics of a topical moment of the restructuration of the adolescent experience. Relevance was particularly given to the influence of Tik Tok live streaming on the processes of identification with the Other and on the maturing of awareness of tragedy and horror typical of wars. These painful processes must be transformed in opportunities and enhanced as essential assumptions for building a global peaceful and democratic citizenship.


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