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Scientific papers

Vol. 47 No. 1 (2023): Special Issue Acoustics of Ancient Theatres

AURA project: enjoyment of the auralisation experience by different target groups

ottobre 28, 2022


Modern technologies have become a familiar feature in experiencing our cultural heritage. With the AURA (Auralisation of acoustic heritage sites using Augmented and Virtual Reality) project, music and opera houses in Berlin, Florence and Lviv opened up to the potentials of auralisation for music performing arts and establishments. AURA reached out to the European music community and offer a wide range of opportunities of building new audiences, new business models, new performance practices and exciting new aural experiences. Also, it aims to create a model for cross sectoral collaboration to foster creativity and to promote European heritage in new ways. The present article describes the procedures applied by Vie Ingegneria project partner to engage different target groups, make them experience auralised models of the three theatres and assess their perception through a questionnaire designed ad-hoc for each group and through the participation in round tables discussions. The main outcomes from the analysis of the collected data are reported, together with the structure of video tutorials implemented to ensure a wide dissemination of results.

References (including DOI)

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