Archivio di studi urbani e regionali
3 issues per year, ISSN 0004-0177, ISSNe 1971-8519
Class A by ANVUR (Area 8, Area 11/B1, 14/D1)
General editors: Laura Fregolent, Michelangelo Savino
Indexed by Scopus -
2 issues per year, ISSN 1127-8951, ISSNe 1971-8772
Scientific Editors: Giuseppe De Luca, Daniele Montanari -
2 issues per year, ISSN 2279-8986, ISSNe 2531-601X
Editor-in-chief: Attilio Belli
Class A by ANVUR - National Agency for the Evaluation of Universities and Research Institutes -
Contabilità e Cultura Aziendale - Accounting and Cultures
2 issues per year, ISSN 1721-5242, ISSNe 2283-7337
Editor in Chief: Stefania Servalli (Università degli Studi di Bergamo, Italia) -
Diritto Costituzionale
3 issues per year, ISSN 2611-2590, ISSNe 2611-3376
Class A by ANVUR (Area 12, Area 12/C1)
Editor in Chief: Roberto Bin (Università di Ferrara) -
Corporate Governance and Research & Development Studies - Open Access
2 issues per year, ISSN 2704-8462, ISSNe 2723-9098
Corporate Governance and Research & Development Studies
Scientific Editor in chief: Salvatore Esposito De Falco -
De Iustitia et Iure - Legal journal of foundation and Discussion - Open Access
2 issues per year, ISSNe coming soon
Scientific Directors: Franco Vallocchia, Pietro Mazzei
Economia agro-alimentare/Food Economy - Open Access
3 issues per year, ISSN 1126-1668, ISSNe 1972-4802
Editor-in-chief: Maurizio Canavari (Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna)
Società Italiana di Economia Agro-Alimentare (SIEA) -
Economia Pubblica. The Italian Journal of Public Economics & Law
3 issues per year, ISSN 0390-6140, ISSNe 1972-5566
Editor-in-chief: Giuseppe Viola -
Economics and Policy of Energy and the Environment
2 issues per year, ISSN 2280-7659, ISSNe 2280-7667
Editor: Luigi De Paoli. Co-Editors: Patrice Geoffron -
Educational Reflective Practices
2 issues per year, ISSN 2240-7758, ISSNe 2279-9605
Please, visit the Open Access edition above. -
Educational Reflective Practices - Open access
2 issues per year, ISSN 2240-7758, ISSNe 2279-9605
Editors-in-chief: Loretta Fabbri, Maura Striano, Claudio Melacarne
Classified "A" by ANVUR in the fields 11/D1, 11/D2 -
Education Sciences & Society - Open Access
2 issues per year, ISSN 2038-9442, ISSNe 2284-015X
Editors-in-chief: Michele Corsi, Catia Giaconi, Lorella Giannandrea, Pier Giuseppe Rossi, Massimiliano Stramaglia
Classified "A" by ANVUR in the fields 11/D1, 11/D2
Double blind peer review
Excellence and Innovation in Learning and Teaching - Open Access
2 issues per year, ISSNe 2499-507X
Scientific Editors: Marina De Rossi, Monica Fedeli, Emilia Restiglian
Classified "A" by ANVUR in the fields 11/D1, 11/D2
Financial Reporting
2 issues per year, ISSN 2036-671X, ISSNe 2036-6779
Co-Editors: Francesco Avallone, Cristina Florio, Francesco Mazzi -
Excellence and Innovation in Learning and Teaching
2 issues per year, ISSNe 2499-507X
Please, visit the Open Access edition above. -
Gruppi - Open Access
2 issues per year, ISSN 1826-2589, ISSNe 1972-4837
The Journal of Coirag –
Confederazione di Organizzazioni Italiane per la Ricerca Analitica sui Gruppi
Editor: Carmen Tagliaferri (con la collaborazione del Past Direttore Angelo Silvestri) -
FOR - Open Access
3 issues per year, ISSN 1828-1966, ISSNe 1972-506X
FOR Rivista per la formazione - Open Access
General Editor: Beatrice Lomaglio -
Imprese e Storia
2 issues per year, ISSN 1590-6264
Italian Business History Association‘s Journal
Scientific Editor in chief: Marco Doria -
2 issues per year, ISSN 1826-2589, ISSNe 1972-4837
Please, visit the Open Access edition above. -
2 issues per year, ISSN 1721-0143, ISSNe 2239-4389
Editor-in-chief: Anna Maria Nicolò -
Italia Contemporanea - Sezione Open Access
3 issues per year, ISSN 0392-1077, ISSNe 2036-4555
Editors in chief: Enrica Asquer, Alessio Gagliardi, Alessandra Gissi, Toni Rovatti
Indexed by Scopus -
Italia contemporanea
3 issues per year, ISSN 0392-1077, ISSNe 2036-4555
Editors in chief: Enrica Asquer, Alessio Gagliardi, Alessandra Gissi, Toni Rovatti
Indexed by Scopus -
Maltrattamento e abuso all'infanzia
3 issues per year, ISSN 1591-4267, ISSNe 1972-5140
Editor-in-Chief: Elena Camisasca (Università Telematica e-Campus Novedrate, CRIdee, Italy) -
Management Control
3 issues per year, ISSN 2239-0391, ISSNe 2239-4397
Editor-in-chief: Giuseppe D'Onza -
Mecosan - Management ed Economia Sanitaria - Open Access
4 issues per year, ISSN 1121-6921, ISSNe 2384-8804
Editor in Chief: Elio Borgonovi, Università Bocconi -
Mission - Open Access
4 issues per year, ISSN 2037-4798
Editor in Chief: Alfio Lucchini -
4 issues per year, ISSN 1121-6921
Please, visit the Open Access edition above. -
4 fascicoli all'anno, ISSN 1121-2845, ISSNe 1972-5221
Rivista trimestrale promossa dall’Associazione italiana dei magistrati per i minorenni e per la famiglia
Direttore: Francesco Vitrano -
Models of the Mind - Open Access
1 issue per year, ISSNe 2531-4556
Scientific Editor: Tonino Cantelmi
Managing Editor: Maria Beatrice Toro -
Mondi Migranti
3 issues per year, ISSN 1826-2589, ISSNe 1972-4837
Editor: Maurizio Ambrosini (Università di Milano)
Classified by Anvur (National Agency for the Evaluation of Universities and Research Institutes) in Class A for Sociology -
Passato e presente
3 issues per year, ISSN 1120-0650, ISSNe 1972-5493
Editor in chief: Francesca Tacchi
Managing Editor: Gabriele Turi
Indexed by Scopus -
PNEI Review
2 fascicoli all'anno, ISSN 2532-6147, ISSNe 2532-2826
Rivista della Società Italiana di Psiconeuroendocrinoimmunologia
Editor-in-Chief: Francesco Bottaccioli D.Phil., NeurosciPsy.D. -
PNEI Review - Open access
2 Issue per year, ISSN 2532-6147, ISSNe 2532-2826
Journal of Italian Society of Psychoneuroendocrineimmunology (SIPNEI)
Editor in chief: Francesco Bottaccioli (Consorzio Universitario Humanitas, Roma)
Scientific Advisors: Alessio Fasano (Harvard), Angelo Gemignani (Pisa) Keith W. Kelley (Illinois), Susan Lutgendorf (Iowa), Carmine M. Pariante (London), George M. Slavich (Los Angeles), Paolo Vineis (London) -
Psicologia di Comunità
2 issues per year, ISSN 1827-5249, ISSNe
Editors in chief: Elvira Cicognani, Cinzia Novara, Fortuna Procentese -
3 issues per year, ISSN 0392-2952, ISSNe 1972-487X
Director: Caterina Selvaggi Onnis -
Quaderni di Gestalt - Gestalt Therapy Journal - Rivista semestrale di Psicoterapia della Gestalt
2 issues per year, ISSNe 2035-6994
General editor: Margherita Spagnuolo Lobb
Editorial Coordinator: Elisa Spini
Psicologia della salute
3 issues per year, ISSN 1721-0321, ISSNe 1972-5167
Editor in chief: Mario Bertini -
Quaderni di Psicoterapia Cognitiva
2 fascicoli all'anno, ISSN 1127-6347, ISSNe 2281-6046
Please, visit the Open Access edition above. -
Quaderni di Psicoterapia Cognitiva - Open Access
2 issues per year, ISSN 1127-6347, ISSNe 2281-6046
Editor-in-Chief: Lorenza Isola -
Psychological Research Journal - Open Access
4 issues per year, ISSNe 1972-5620
Editors in chief: Alessandro Antonietti, Paolo Inghilleri, Antonella Marchetti -
Rassegna Italiana di Valutazione
3 issues per year, ISSN 1826-0713 , ISSNe 1972-5027
Classified in Class A by ANVUR in Sociology
Editor in chief: Giuseppe Moro -
Rivista di Psicologia Clinica - Open Access
2 issues per year, ISSN 1828-9363
Editor-in-Chief: Sergio Salvatore -
Ricerche di Psicologia
4 issues per year, ISSN 0391-6081, ISSNe 1972-5620
Please, visit the Open Access edition above. -
Rivista Geografica Italiana - Open Access
4 issues per year, ISSN 0035-6697, ISSNe 2499-748X
Editor in chief: Bruno Vecchio
Co-Editors: Silvia Aru, Filippo Celata, Matteo Puttilli, Chiara Rabbiosi (reviews coordinator)
Classified "A" by ANVUR in the fields 11/B1 (Geography) – Indexed by Scopus
Issues from 1970 to 2018 are available on the Society for Geographical Studies's page; issues 2019-2020 are listed on the Publisher's site.
Rivista di Studi sulla Sostenibilità - Review of studies on sustainability - Open access
2 issues per year, ISSNe 2280-7667
Editor: Antonio Garofalo (Università degli Studi di Napoli Parthenope) -
Rivista Italiana di Acustica - Open Access
2 issues per year, ISSN 0393-1110, ISSNe 2385-2615
Editor-in-Chief: Eleonora Carletti
The Italian Journal of Acoustics -
Rivista Geografica Italiana
4 issues per year, ISSN 0035-6697
Please, visit the Open Access edition above. -
Salute e società
3 issues per year, ISSN 1723-9427, ISSNe 1972-4845
Editor-in-chief: Antonio Maturo (Università di Bologna)
Indexed by Scopus -
Rivista Sperimentale di Freniatria
3 issues per year, ISSN 1129-6437, ISSNe 1972-5582
Editor-in-chief: Gian Maria Galeazzi -
Sicurezza e scienze sociali
3 issues per year, ISSN 2283-8740, ISSNe 2283-7523
Editor-in-chief: Sabina Curti
Classified "A" by ANVUR -
Società degli Individui (La)
3 fascicoli all'anno, ISSN 1590-7031, ISSNe 1972-5752
Direttore: Ferruccio Andolfi -
Società e Storia
4 issues per year, ISSN 0391-6987 , ISSNe 1972-5515
Editor in chief: Livio Antonielli (Università degli studi di Milano)
Società e storia is included by Anvur in class A for the competition sectors of the area: 11 / A1 (Medieval history), 11 / A2 (Modern history), 11 / A3 (Contemporary history), 11 / A4 (Book sciences and of the document and historical-religious sciences) and 14 / B1 (History of doctrines and political institutions)
Sociologia del lavoro - Sezione Open Access
Sociologia della Comunicazione
2 issues per year, ISSN 1121-1733, ISSNe 1972-4926
Editor-in-chief: Roberta Bartoletti -
Sociologia del lavoro
3 issues per year, ISSN 0392-5048, ISSNe 1972-554X
Please, visit the Open Access section linked above too. -
Sociologia e Ricerca Sociale
3 issues per year, ISSN 1121-1148, ISSNe 1971-8446
Editor-in-chief: Maurizio Bonolis -
Sociologia urbana e rurale
3 issues per year, ISSN 0392-4939, ISSNe 1971-8403
General Editor: Maurizio Bergamaschi
Indexed by Scopus -
Storia Urbana - Sezione open access
3 issues per year, ISSN 0391-2248, ISSNe 1972-5523
Scientific directors: Annunziata Oteri, Politecnico di Milano; Renato Sansa, Università della Calabria -
Storia e problemi contemporanei
3 issues per year, ISSN 1120-4206, ISSNe 1826-7203
Editor in chief: Agnese Carnevali
Classified "A" by ANVUR in the fields M-STO/04 -
Storia Urbana
3 issues per year, ISSN 0391-2248, ISSNe 1972-5523
Editor-in-chief: Annunziata Oteri, Renato Sansa -
Studi Organizzativi
2 issues per year, ISSN 0391-8769, ISSNe 1972-4969
Editors-in-Chief: Federico Butera, Raffaella Cagliano, Marcello Martinez -
Studi Junghiani - Open Access
2 issues per year, ISSN 1828-5147, ISSNe 1971-8411
Biannual magazine of the Italian Association for Analytical Psychology
General Director: Filippo Strumia -
4 issues per year, ISSN 1825-8689, ISSNe 2239-6330
Editor-in-chief: Bertrando Bonfantini
Indexed by Scopus -
Ventunesimo Secolo
2 issues per year, ISSN 1594-3755, ISSNe 1971-159X
Editor-in-chief: Antonio Varsori -
Territorio - Sezione open access
4 issues per year, ISSN 1825-8689, ISSNe 2239-6330
Editor-in-chief: Bertrando Bonfantini -
Welfare e Ergonomia
2 issues per year, ISSN 2421-3691, ISSNe 2531-9817
Editors: Pietro Demurtas (CNR-IRPPS, Roma); Anna Milione (CNR-IRPPS, Salerno); Mara Tognetti Bordogna (Università degli Studi di Milano La Statale)
Indexed as “Class A” by ANVUR (Field 14)
U3 iQuaderni
3 issues per year, ISSN 2611-5646, ISSNe 2531-7091
Editorial Director: Giovanni Longobardi
Director: Giovanni Caudo
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