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Giovani, studenti e infiniti mondi

V. 10 N. 2 (2019): Giovani, studenti e infiniti mondi

Acting together and sense of initiative: The internship to cross boundaries between study and work

10 ottobre 2019


The pre-eminent motivation behind this contribution lies in the intention to offer students of three-year degree course in education and training sciences and master’s degree in pedagogical sciences of the University of Macerata a further support than those already existing, aimed at expanding the educational meaningfulness of the internship experience. The main criticality of such experience is connected with the difficulty in translating knowledge, models, ideas into appropriate activities. This notably refers to the conceptual and educational core of the sense of initiative and entrepreneurship and, consistently, to the skill to act. Therefore, after a deepening of the sense of initiative and entrepreneurship, followed by related pedagogical reflections based on the capability approach, the paper presents an operative proposal aimed at increasing young people’s possibilities of action and supporting their personal and professional growth. With regard to this training proposal, the theoretical and methodological framework refers to the third generation cultural historical activity theory and to the tool of the boundary crossing laboratory, variant of the change laboratory.

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