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The need for innovation in didactics: inclusion and technologies

V. 9 N. 2 (2018): ESS - The need for innovation in didactics: inclusion and technologies

Supporting student’s disciplinary conceptualization process: a co-disciplinary and trans-disciplinary approach to educational development. The case of University of Milan-Bicocca

10 gennaio 2019


This paper presents the training programme to improve faculty members teaching skills at the University of Milano-Bicocca. The hypothesis of this work is about the role of the inter and transdisciplinary approach in developing the capacity to promote student’s conceptual change on disciplinary content. Data have been collected through the recorded audio of the training activity. Data analysis is conducted by thematic analysis structured in three main categories: knowledge selection process; teacher’s perception on student’s knowledge acquisition; teacher’s strategies aimed at making disciplinary knowledge accessible. The first results show a complex configuration of teacher’s perceptions and strategies.

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