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V. 8 N. 2 (2017): ESS - Rethinking the design process, rethinking the curriculum

Thinking the curriculum in an inclusive perspective: challenges and opportunities

7 dicembre 2017


The present article offers some points of considerations regarding the discovery of new ways to develop the traditionally vertical curriculum into a more inclusive perspective, meeting the needs of the heterogeneous groups of students that, at the moment, are part of the educational environment. With this aim, the concept of inclusion is analyzed, trying to highlight how different visions and interpretations at a European level, determine notable differences in curricular practices and didactics at a national and regional/local level. Among the suggested approaches there are the individualization focused and the personalization focused perspectives. However, it is necessary to consider their feasibility, looking for solutions that merge the two aspects into common paths that can be pursued by each student in a personal way.  Talking about an inclusive curriculum, including suggestions, as the one carried out by the Index, led us to think how possible and useful it can be to structure the curriculum in a certain way, so that an inclusive culture can be developed.

Keywords: inclusion; curriculum; personalization/individualization; special education needs

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