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Vol. 14 No. 2 (2023): Art, fashion and environment. Contemporary itineraries among landscapes, curves, and epistemological bumps

Editing gender and editing life: DIY, digital artivism and new forms of pedagogy in the contemporary Portuguese society

novembre 29, 2023


In this article, we propose a theoretical-empirical cross-section of three basic themes: female migration, DIY practices and decolonial digital artivism. Adopting the case study typology and based on the use of a qualitative methodology, fostered by an indirect autobiographical interview, we proceed to sociologically analyse the migration trajectory of Tila Capelletto, a Brazilian activist responsible for the creation of Wiki Editoras Lx. We intend to discuss digital artivism and the DIY and DIT practices and ethos promoted by Tila and Wiki Editoras, as a formula for promoting processes of diasporic identity (re)construction, resistance, existence and social change, drawing parallels with the Global South and semi-peripheral countries such as Portugal, which are embodied in the editing of Wikipedia to combat the invisibility of women in contemporary societies.


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