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Vol. 12 No. 2 (2021): Evaluation, feedback, equity: a challenge in education

Peer-assessment and teachers’ training: Tips and impacts

settembre 7, 2021


The article investigates the evaluative competence of in-service teachers involved in a peer-assessment activity and their perceptions about the impacts of the practice itself. The context of the study is represented by a Level I University Master based on the Trialogical Learning Approach in which participants experiment with innovative teaching methodologies, from design to implementation to evaluation. After having described in detail the methods and procedures of the peer-assessment activities covered by the study, the method of the quali-quantitative analysis of the collected data is illustrated: 407 rubrics compiled by 43 teachers and 28 semi-structured questionnaires to support the final reflection around the activities.

Overall, the analyzes show how the peer-assessment activity just as proposed has stimulated, on the one hand, the enhancement of specific professional skills, on the other, the motivation to learn and the feeling of belonging to a community of practices. The elements supporting the effectiveness of the evaluation practice and the possible repercussions in the classroom are discussed.


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