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V. 9 N. 1 (2018): ESS - Technologies and inclusion

The MUSE project. Improving access, participation and learning of students with disability in Latin American universities

26 marzo 2018


This paper aims to present the activities carried out within the MUSE European Project, with specific regard to the Work Package “Modernization and Strengthening of Human Capital”, led by University of Bologna. One of the main goal of this project is the creation – in Chile, Mexico and Argentina - of Students with disabilities Support Centres and long-term strategies for the access and retention of students with disabilities in the Higher Education system. In order to design and create these Support Centres, the University of XXX trained 30 administrative and academic staff from Latin America on the main conceptual issues related to: Inclusive Approach, Universal Design for Learning, ICT for inclusion and pedagogical design of active learning environment. The training aims to provide pedagogical and didactic competences – in particular on the use of ICT – to foster the inclusion of students with disability at university.

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