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Vol. 12 No. 2 (2021): Evaluation, feedback, equity: a challenge in education

Digitally mediated questioning as a feedback enabler

settembre 7, 2021


The promotion of interactive processes, digitally mediated, has become a strategic element in the university to promote active teaching. Starting from a brief analysis of the literature, the contribution presents a series of methodological and operational indications to highlight the close relationship between the teacher’s ability to create “good questions” and the implementation of active and inclusive teaching mediated by student response systems. Questions represent the key means by which teachers discover what students already know, identify gaps and support student development by bridging the gap between what they currently know and the learning objectives. The scientific literature and the results of some experiments conducted nationally highlight that the recursive use of feedback during digitally mediated questioning teaching sessions can facilitate the transition from a teaching model centered on disciplinary content to strategies open to collaboration and meaningful learning.


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