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Vol. 12 No. 2 (2021): Evaluation, feedback, equity: a challenge in education

Validating of a hetero- and self-evaluation tool for teaching organization competence at school

agosto 31, 2021


This paper presents a tool for hetero-self-evaluation for teaching organization competences, which we used to assess forecasting and developing skills of the teaching activity, of regulation and reflection on the practice in the classroom, in teachers in formation. Observing and decision making, thinking about what, why and how to teach, authentically planning and evaluating, are complex and crucial operations to create the organizational and methodological humus, that must characterize the professional development of the teacher, also with regard to communicative and reflective skills (Perrenoud, 2012; Conole, 2014; Panke, 2019). We have built a rating scale, with the actions to be observed, starting from some recent frameworks of the teacher’s professional profile and skills. We have performed the validation process used a sample of trainees, which have been preparing to become primary and children’s school teachers (n = 681); the results show good metrological characteristics of the instrument.


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