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Scientific papers

Vol. 48 No. 2 (2024)

Optimization of the calculation parameters of the eco-acoustic indices: application to the Ticino Valley Regional Park

maggio 3, 2024


The assessment of environmental quality and the early identification of harmful effects are significant aspects for the conservation of ecosystems and for the prevention of degradation of various habitats. In this context, understanding the soundscape plays a crucial role, as it provides potential indicator of the health and integrity of natural environments. This study aims to contribute to the advancement of this understanding through the introduction of a new methodology applied to a measurement campaign conducted in a wetland at the Ticino Valley Regional Park. This method consists in optimizing the choice of calculation parameters of the eco-acoustic indices, offering a more accurate analysis of the soundscape and presenting new perspectives for in-depth research in the field of soundscape ecology. The qualitative validation of these indices was conducted by means of a protocol, through direct listening to the audio tracks, with the aim of detailing the anthropophonic sources present and obtaining greater objectivity of the response.

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