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Technical notes

Vol. 48 No. 1 (2024)

Acoustic Retrofit of the “Teatro 10” of Cinecittà Studios

febbraio 27, 2024


This paper presents an excerpt of the acoustic retrofit of Cinecittà Studios. It focuses on the ante and post operam conditions concerning the improvement of internal comfort and façade sound insulation of “Teatro 10”. Achieving optimal acoustic conditions, considering the specific building's use and the client's requirements, highlighted several issues. The main goal was to make the "Teatro 10” available in a short time frame with low-noise construction activities, that would not interfere with the adjacent theaters’ activities. The investigated solutions had to be both effective and sustainable, in order to make the theater acoustic characteristics suitable for the specific intended uses. The paper presents a comparison between the results of the ante and post operam measurement campaigns, with particular reference to the chosen design solution.

References (including DOI)

  1. X. Xu, H. Wang, Y. Sun, J. Han, R. Huang (2018) Sound absorbing properties of perforated composite panels of recycled rubber, fi berboard sawdust, and high density polyethylene, Journal of Cleaner Production 187:215-221.
  2. Y. Zhang, Z. Kuang, M. Wu, J. Yang (2015) In-situ measurement of sound absorbing properties using plane-wave sound field reproduced by virtual loudspeaker array, Building and Environment 94:883-890.
  3. UNI 16283-3:2016 “Misure in opera dell’isolamento acustico in edifici e di elementi di edificio – Parte 3: Isolamento acustico di facciata”.
  4. UNI EN ISO 3382 “Misurazione dei parametri acustici degli ambienti”.
  5. UNI EN ISO 717-1 “Valutazione dell’isolamento acustico in edifici e di elementi di edificio – Parte 1: Isolamento acustico per via aerea.
  6. L. Lococciolo Riqualifi cazione acustica del TEX – Il Teatro dell’ExFadda, Rivista Italiana di Acustica 46, 2022 pp. 51-59.
  7. DPCM 5 dicembre 1997 - Determinazione dei requisiti acustici passivi degli edifi ci (GU Serie Generale n. 297 del 22-12-1997).


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