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Scientific papers

Vol. 48 No. 1 (2024)

Association of Psychoacoustic Metrics with Italian Words De-scribing Perceptual Sound Attributes

febbraio 6, 2024


Psychoacoustic parameters, being closely related to sound perception, are usually applied in product sound quality and, recently, also in environmental soundscape analysis or at workplace, to investigate its potential in describing acoustic comfort.

Lexicons of descriptive words of perceptual sound attributes are available in literature, but the language is often a crucial issue.

This paper describes two different experiments dealing with such words in Italian and the evaluation of their association with psychoacoustic parameters. For these experiments, 12 sounds recorded in three different environments (at workplace, in nature and in the community) were selected and processed to determine some psychoacoustic parameters. These sounds were randomly played in a quiet room at the same equivalent level Leq (dB) by headphone in the two experiments with two different groups of 24 subjects. Multidimensional scaling and correlation have been applied to compare their responses with some acoustic and psychoacoustic descriptors.

References (including DOI)

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