Technical notes
Vol. 47 No. 2 (2023)
Remarks on intrusive noise from specific source
The technical specification UNI/TS 11844:2022, published on March 2022, provides a method to determine the intrusiveness of a sound immission from an identified source, based on the “Signal Detection Theory” (SDT). The amount of intrusinevess is quantified by the “Detectability Level” D’L, a parameter obtained by comparing the spectra, at 1/3 octave band or in Bark to account for the hearing masking, of the sound immission by the specific source, namely the “signal”, with that of the residual sound, namely the “noise”, measured when the intrusive sound is absent.
The present communication offers some remarks to the ongoing discussion during the three-year test phase of the technical specification, dealing with the estimate of the spectrum of the specific source and the determination of the detectability parameter d’ in each frequency band, as well as a probabilitstic approach on the D’L variability due to the chosen type of parameters used to compare the signal and the noise spectra.
References (including DOI)
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