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No. 4 (2022)

Food and urban change. Variations of foodification

  • Panos Bourlessas
  • Mirella Loda
  • Matteo Puttilli
novembre 22, 2022


Drawing from case studies stemming from various Italian cities, the concept of foodification has emerged in recent years as a useful key-concept to analyse the outstanding relevance of food (both in terms of culinary offer and of discursive-imaginary constructions centred on it) within the context of wider processes of reconfiguration of the economic base of cities and of the entangling urban cultures. This contribution has thus a twofold objective: firstly, to reconstruct the conceptual genesis of foodification, also through connections with the international debates on the relationship between cities and food; and secondly, to illustrate how the articles collected in this special issue contribute to structuring and broadening the debate on foodification and its multiple urban implications.


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  14. Ead., Bonati S., Puttilli M. (2020). History to eat. The foodification of the historical centre of Florence. Cities, 103: 102746. DOI: 10.1016/j.cities.2020.102746
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