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The need for innovation in didactics: inclusion and technologies

V. 9 N. 2 (2018): ESS - The need for innovation in didactics: inclusion and technologies

Faculty professional development on e-learning. The results of the DIDeL project

6 novembre 2018


The paper presents the evaluation plan and the first results of DIDeL (Didactics in e-Learning), a research and development project of the University of Florence, aimed at promoting faculty professional development on e-learning methods and technologies. From a theoretical point of view the project is based on a multi-levels model characterized by the combination of methodological approaches and teaching tools. The evaluation plan reflects this articulation with the aim to measure users’ satisfaction, the impact of the programme on teachers’ techno-didactic competences on the short and medium run, as well as the impact on students’ career progression. Specifically, this papers illustrates and discusses the results of a questionnaire administered online to all the teachers who participated in at least one of the project's training activities during the first half of 2018: it was investigated the level of satisfaction of training and teachers’ self-perception of learning in terms of knowledge and skills. 166 teachers answered the questionnaire. The results show a high level of appreciation for the various types of training initiatives, which confirms the design hypotheses and the methodologies adopted.

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