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Vol. 7 No. 2 (2016): ESS - Alignment, attunement, co-activity, co-regulation. Convergent trajectories?

Motor technique and didactics: a possible alliance from an educational point of view

dicembre 15, 2016


The aim of this descriptive study is to reflect on the development of physical education in Italian schools by delineating the key milestones in the development of motor and physical activities in nursery and primary schools with reference to the national guidelines provided by the Italian Ministry of Education, Universities and Research.

These reflections focus on the potentiality of corporeality for a personalized didactics, with the aim of reconsidering the importance of body and movement as privileged areas for the education of the person, which finds its roots in the adoption of a didactics of the body that reinstates the role of physical-motor sciences within the educational processes, thus creating the possibility for teaching movement and teaching through movement.  


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