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Vol. 7 No. 2 (2016): ESS - Alignment, attunement, co-activity, co-regulation. Convergent trajectories?

The non-linear potential of didactic action

dicembre 15, 2016


Starting from a perspective that views education as a complex and adaptive system, this paper is aimed at providing a first reflection on the concept of linearity, intended as a possible interpretation of the limitations arising from the characteristics and the relationships among the actors, the objects and the events that form part of the teaching-learning process. What results is a deterministic vision of teaching and a real negation of the embodied and situated dimension of teaching. This reflection forms part of a branch of educational research that investigates didactic corporealities - those aspects of teaching that are manifested in bodily form, real and metaphoric representations of the triadic interaction between the teacher, the student and the environment. This is configured as the set of elements that contribute to a complex meaning of the teaching experience, able to contribute to a deconstruction of linear schemes of action that are repetitive in nature and are inadequate to address the emerging needs of 21st Century classrooms. In order to foster and promote the success of all learners, a pluralistic and proteiform perspective is therefore required. This view paves the way to a non-linear form of teaching that is aware of the didactic morphologies that are the characteristics, the spaces, the functions and the potentialities of action during teaching.


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