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V. 13 N. 1 (2022): Giovani, istituzioni e territori

Re-thinking inclusion for adult people with disability. Residential centers from makeshift solution to educational resource for the community

30 marzo 2022


The culture of rights and the inclusive processes that promote the participation of people with disabilities in the community context has grown significantly in recent years, partly as a result of changes in demographic development at national and international level. The progressive ageing of the population and the increase in life expectancy represent a very significant challenge for both people with disabilities and their families This is a social and cultural challenge we have to face not only to guarantee inclusion and participation rights, but also to implement organizational and managerial practices and processes that make them possible. It is therefore increasingly necessary to promote reflections, to develop project ideas and practical experiments aimed at building the adult identity of people with disabilities. The creation of an adult identity is the most important prerequisite for being able to relate to and to perceive oneself as such. On the basis of these considerations, this paper presents some elements derived from a research/action aimed at the realization of a service for people with disabilities in a city area of Lombardy, in order to respond, in a logic of innovation and sustainability, to the different needs of the users who will be welcomed.

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