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Vol. 12 No. 2 (2021): Evaluation, feedback, equity: a challenge in education

Evaluation and feedback: Evaluative competence as a communicative competence. A research with secondary school teachers

agosto 31, 2021


Teachers’ evaluative competence is one of the pivots of the teaching action because it represents a potential spring for the promotion of learning, autonomy and educational success of each pupil. Feedback, meant as a privileged tool in the exercise of evaluation practice, offers the opportunity to enhance the singularity of each student's paths by framing communicative interactions aimed at the co-construction of knowledge. The evaluative competence therefore assumes the connotations of a communicative competence, which substantiates and guides teachers’ evaluative choices by diversifying linguistic registers and choices of communication tools according to the type of feedback functional to educational success.

The study illustrates the results of a research process, implemented with 385 secondary school teachers from the province of Caltanissetta in the academic year 2020/2021. Through the research process, we aimed at increasing teachers’ evaluative competence as a communicative-teaching one centred on feedback.


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