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V. 12 N. 1 (2021): Pedagogia Speciale tra Formazione e Ricerca ai tempi della pandemia

The teachers’ educational needs for early detection of difficulties in kindergarden

29 aprile 2021


This paper presents a reflection on potential training courses addressed to kindergarten teachers, working with children of 3-6 years of age. In particular, the data reported derive from a phase of the action research promoted within the Erasmus + European project More Opportunities for Every Child (MOEC), which involved colleagues from Italy, France, Spain and Poland in order to investigate the possibility to build efficient observational instruments to detect the difficulties of pre-school children.

The outcomes of the project call for a growing necessity to promote a structured reflection on the fundamental value of efficient observation, which should be incremented through the training offer addressed to teachers, and on other aspects deserving special attention, such as educational strategies to guarantee quality, the promotion of true communities of practice, the development of professional skills, increasingly suited to support the educational and learning growth of each child in kindergarten.

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