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Vol. 11 No. 2 (2020): Pedagogia dell'oggi: le sfide del presente. Percorsi di ricerca. Ricchezza e pluralità dell'indagine contemporanea

The ambivalences of desire in education: Paths of pedagogical reflexivity

marzo 30, 2020


Previews studies reflect around the concept of desire as a fundamental principle of education. Particularly interesting is Burch's (2013) thesis, which argues that desire should be reconsidered as the union of symbolic and creative values from which to rethink "the hope of a democratic renewal" of the educational experience. Quite the opposite, Girard’s (1961) thinking identifies the destructive and conflicting variables of desire. However it’s unclear how to reconcile these two ambivalent and different positions about the “nature” of desire. In this paper I would suggest that there is a possible integration between these two key interpretations if we want to make room for ambivalent questioning in the educational inquiry.


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