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Vol. 14 No. 2 (2023): Art, fashion and environment. Contemporary itineraries among landscapes, curves, and epistemological bumps

The interrelation between migration and homelessness. Searching for inclusive solutions in the local context

settembre 5, 2023


Starting from qualitative research conducted in Italy in the framework of the european H2020 NAME OF THE PROJECT project focused on the migrant’s integration through housing, the paper investigates the link between migration and homelessness. Results from the initial research phase will be presented, focusing on the study conducted in the Municipality of Bologna. This study identified the Housing First Project as a potentially innovative model to meet the needs of the population with multiple vulnerabilities. The research also has highlighted how the interrelationship between different needs and the condition of vulnerability of the marginalized population require to reconsider the concept of social inclusion, urging collaborative synergy between institutions and civil society to address social challenges effectively.


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