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Vol. 9 No. 1 (2018): ESS - Technologies and inclusion

Digital competencies and work inclusion of people with Down’s Syndrome

marzo 25, 2018


The educational needs of people with disabilities are extremely diverse. As with all other members of society, people with disabilities must acquire the knowledge and skills required for the community in which they live. The use of ICT to support people with disabilities is often located in specialist facilities and more work needs to be done to spread this expertise to mainstream education settings if ICT is to be a more widespread tool in supporting inclusive education goals. The work presented reinforces the message that ICT usage is not necessarily an “end in itself”. In C’eral’acca’s project, the goal of providing young adult with Down’s Syndrome with key ICT competencies is to increase their job opportunities by overcoming unequal access to educational opportunities. It aimed to be a tool to improve citizens’ digital competence, to plan education and training initiatives to improve digital competence of people with Down’s Syndrome. This involves training people with disabilities to use ICT for employment, rather than as a general tool for everyday life.


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