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Vol. 7 No. 2 (2016): ESS - Alignment, attunement, co-activity, co-regulation. Convergent trajectories?

Integrated school-community projects to promote motor activity through possible alignment with professionals

dicembre 23, 2016


The physical education in primary school try to pursue a twofold purpose: on the one hand it enrich the motor luggage learners, proposing qualitatively effective motor activities; in the other hand, it try to train teachers in extra-curricular perspective. The proposed projects, in recent years, emphasized the indissoluble marriage between motor and pedagogy. The school, in fact, according to the Ministerial Directions, actively proposes a structure of ludic-motor-sporting nature initiatives aimed at spreading a culture of movement, in a teaching and educational perspective. In this regard, projects born from the signing of memoranda of understanding between MIUR and CONI want to promote a culture of movement in children, which is essential for a complete student training. The project activities promoted tend to introduce a new cultural paradigm, in which it urged the teachers' skills and educational existing resources, with the continued collaboration between school and territory.


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