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Vol. 14 No. 1 (2023): University didactics, innovation and inclusion. Assessment and feedback

“Mentimeter” and assessment: A pilot-study with a gamified approach

gennaio 3, 2023


The new conceptions of assessment as learning and of cognitive activation are modifying the practices of the entire learning process. New digital instruments are being included in virtual and in presence classrooms, allowing students and teachers new ways to interact and exchange feedback. Multiple choice tests, through apps such as Mentimeter, are ever more common among both school and university teachers.

Through Mentimeter the teacher can create with ease opportunities of formative feedback and cognitive activation with a gamified approach. A further step is the involvement of students in the creation of questions, allowing them to participate actively in all steps of the activity.

This paper describes an experimentation in progress at the University of Foggia and University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, where during the academic course 2021-2022, the systematic use of Mentimeter at the beginning of the class has shown promising early returns and improved engagement promoting an innovative approach to feedback.


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