In the inclusion of the learner with Hyperactivity Attention Disorder Deficit (ADHD) exercise has a primary role. Most of the scientific literature argues that symptoms of ADHD, as well as improving executive functions. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the improvement of the inclusion of pupils with ADHD in the school context, following aerobic exercises. They were considered ten students diagnosed with ADHD. Their age ranged from eight to eleven. These were randomly divided into two equal groups. The group that did the exercises performed ten weeks of aerobic activity program, three sessions per week (in the first two weeks the session lasted about 40 minutes and in the last eight weeks the session was extended to 50 minutes). The scale of evaluation of student behaviour was used before starting and after the end of the ten weeks of the exercise program. The results of the group of students who performed the aerobic exercises revealed a significant improvement in three of the five items involved in the scale (attention, motor skills and behavior in class) with p < 0,05 while there has been no improvement in the control group (p > 0,05). It can therefore be concluded that a program of regular aerobic exercises correctly proposed at school generates positive effects on the symptomatology of ADHD, thus positively affecting the psycho-physical state of the students.