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Vol. 13 No. 1 (2022): Young people, institutions and territories

Intercultural skills and ideas for pedagogical reconstruction in the light of the Pandemic

February 14, 2022


In this work we intend to investigate in a pedagogical key the political-cultural context related to the changes of perspective on the intercultural theme starting from a pre and post pandemic focus. It is considered to what extent it is possible to leverage the development of intercultural competences in the redefinition of the training tasks pertaining to all learning places of the new generation.

The concepts of integration and inclusion are reviewed in the light of current socio-educational emergencies, and we focus on the value of reflective and shared thought as a privileged object of a possible modern pedagogical framework.We consider the hypothesis of an intercultural educational project aimed at all those immersed in the digital world and at virtual bearers of cognitive and communicative profiles distant from the classical symbolic modalities. In this regard, it reflects on a pedagogical approach aimed at building “flowing cultural identities” as people moved by constant dynamism towards other cultural affiliations.

Furthermore, the fundamental role of the person in a relational-collective vision is reaffirmed. In this regard, the concept of otherness is referred to as an essential factor for building socio-educational plots in which both the uniqueness of the individual and the inclusion of the other are recognized as functional processes for achieving a communitarian culture.


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