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Vol. 12 No. 2 (2021): Evaluation, feedback, equity: a challenge in education

The feedback triangle for transparent and shared evaluation in digital environments. Description of an experience

September 2, 2021


This work presents the dialogic and circular feedback processes initiated in the A.Y. 2020/21, in a transparent and shared didactic and evaluation context. Two online laboratories (41 students) are involved; the laboratories are part of the Course in Network Communication, included in the Master’s Degree in Pedagogical Studies at the Department of Education of Roma Tre University. The course was delivered by the author in digital environments and, in order to facilitate communication between students and teacher, the need emerged to activate additional feedback. In particular, also through the use of Open Badges, we wanted to make explicit those forms of feedback that usually remain tacit and that concern socio-affective and organizational aspects (Yang & Carless, 2013). The data, collected with qualitative-quantitative tools, showed that through dialogic and circular feedback, it is possible to build a teaching/learning context in which teacher and students can receive information on teaching and learning and actively participate in the educational process.


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