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No. 1 (2024)

Agricultural heritage. Prospects for geographical research

  • Viviana Ferrario
febbraio 28, 2024


In the international scientific literature, the concept of ‘agricultural heritage’ indicates agricultural landscapes characterized by a high cultural, social and ecological value deriving from the survival of past agricultural systems alternative to industrial agriculture. By analysing the scientific literature and the national and international initiatives on the subject, I will shed light on the concept, on its objects, and on its operative and performative role in new sustainable agricultural practices. The aim of this paper is to draw attention to a research topic in which geographical knowledge can play an important role. The field of observation is that of European agricultural landscapes, against the background of the global scale and with a specific focus on Italy. An Italian agricultural heritage will be examined in detail, to better understand the complex process with which agricultural heritage is ‘constructed’ and its practical consequences.


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