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Articoli. Lo spazio del cibo: narrazioni, politiche e territori

No. 4 (2023)

Food regions: processes, policies, narratives

  • Michela Lazzeroni
  • Giaime Berti
  • Riccardo Bruno
  • Adanella Rossi
novembre 23, 2023


This paper focuses on food regions, proposing different approaches to critically interpret the complexity and the evolution of the relationship between food and space. Starting from the main theories elaborated on food regions, some research approaches are presented: the processual point of view to read long-term changes; the relational perspective to underline the role of actors and the dynamics of governance; the narrative approach to emphasize socio-cultural elements. Considering these perspectives, the work elaborates an analytical framework of the territorial processes around food that integrates three dimensions: the impact of the actors’ practices; the role of local policies; the influence of narratives.


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