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No. 3 (2023)

Geographies of the eco-climate crisis in the mountain: the social production of the environment and contested futures in the Dolomites

  • Andrea Zinzani
agosto 30, 2023


In the framework of the eco-climate crisis, of the governance and related policymaking processes at the global scale, over the last years geography and political ecology have highlighted the political and controversial nature of the environment and related politics. However, the analysis of these processes on the mountain environment needs further research because of the effects of the eco-climate crisis and the heterogeneous paths of development and conservation that characterize highlands. By bridging political ecology and mountain geography, this contribution aims to reflect on the social production of the mountain environment, and related futures in the Dolomites, through the analysis of governance, development projects and environmental claims. The research, through the adoption of ethnographic methods, highlights the political, controversial and contested nature of socio-environmental relations and specifically of the environmental futures of the Dolomites in relation to the eco-climate crisis. Therefore, the case of the Dolomites provides a significant contribution to reflect on progressive mountain environment repoliticization while the theoretical and methodological integration of political ecology and ethnography offers and innovative perspective to advance mountain geographies scholarship.


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