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No. 1 (2022)

The Breath of the Sahel. Representations of a Space in Motion

  • Andrea Pase
  • Federico Gianoli
  • Luca De Felice
  • Marina Bertoncin
  • Michael Cherlet
  • Angela Kronenburg García
giugno 29, 2021


The Sahel is an area that, over time, has had multiple definitions, climatic-botanical and political: its limits have been traced in very different ways. Even the usage of this name and its delimitation on maps has been openly questioned and contested. Our
contribution proposes a cartography capable of mapping the incessant movement of conditions, limits and possibilities that characterize this strip between the Sahara and the humid Sudanese regions, rendering the areal definition of the Sahel visible and
fluid at the same time. However, it is a question of rethinking the very foundation of cartography – what has been ‘taken for granted’ in the past – such as the common tools of cartographic representation, for example the concept of ‘isohyet’ to identify climatic areas or ‘boundaries’ to define political jurisdictions. Knowledge from fieldwork and expertise in the processing of satellite and geo-referenced data converge in this path of analysis and representation.


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  52. Allegato 1: Link al codice di Google Earth Engine.
  53. Allegato 2:


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