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Vol. 9 No. 2 (2024): University teaching innovation to develop career guidance and work-place transition processesAnno
Abduction and educational practice: How educators in training think
Istituto Universitario Salesiano Venezia (IUSVE)
Istituto Universitario Salesiano Venezia (IUSVE)
The aim of this pilot study is to investigate an aspect of the reasoning process activated by social workers in training, during their internship experiences. In particular, identify and map the assumptions by which the students make decisions about a specific action (including not acting).
The hypothesis is that the abduction is the most relevant type of reasoning to understand and decide on events that are always new, as often they are in educational practice. The thematic analysis of the logbook, as a survey tool, highlights, on the one hand, the easy access of students to the implicit of the chosen action (94%), on the other a complexity of the same implicit (between hypothesis, explanatory hypothesis and purpose) which requires both, further investigation in this regard, as well as educational attention in order to stimulate appropriate learning from experience.
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