V. 10 N. 1 (2019): Disabilità e Qualità della Vita: percorsi e progetti per l’inclusione universitaria e sociale
The 'linguistic variability' of the Quality of Life construct. A study on the attitudes of guidance service operators
University 'Giustino Fortunato' of Benevento
24 maggio 2019
The article deals with the dynamic aspect of the 'Quality of life' (QoL) construct, focusing on the attitudes of some operators of orientation services and social inclusion on domains of it.
In the first part a brief logical-critical analysis of the QoL construct is conducted: starting from its 'dynamic' character, those aspects that allow to assume it as a possible fuzzy concept will be underlined.
In the second part, a study on the multi-factorial model of Schalock and Verdugo - within the ‘LabInclusion’ research-training coordinated by the For.Psi.Com Department of the University of Bari and carried out in 2017 - is described.
The study on the attitudes of 71 operators involved in the post-diploma orientation service of Taranto, towards the factors and domains of the multifactorial model, has been conducted with a mixed method through questionnaire and documentary analysis of products and highlighted the substantial ‘reinterpretation’ of the 'Rights and empowerment' and 'Material well-being' domains.
The study restates, in general, the 'linguistic variability' as well as the 'inter-intra-individual personal variability' of the QoL construct and invites to pursue in the search for more advanced and interdisciplinary methods for the estimation of the variance of complex measures, such as the indicators of QoL (Betti et al., 2016).
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